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Step 6.4. Enable Task


The passwords rotation reduces the vulnerability to password-based attacks. Soffid allows you to limitschedule a task to rotate the password lifespanfor andthe forcecritical to change it.accounts.


1. First of all, you must access the Scheduled tasks page, the path to access is the following:

Hay que:

1. Crear un tipo de usuarios nuevo

2. Crear una política de contraseñas con cambio automático para este tipo de usuario

3. Asignar esta política a las cuentas a rotar

4. Activar la tarea 'Renew expired passwords' -----> Disable expired passwords


Main Menu > Administration > Configure Soffid > Global Settings > User types

Main Menu > Administration > Configure Soffid > Security settings > Password policies

Main Menu > Administration > Monitoring and reporting > Scheduled tasks -----> Disable expired passwords




1. First of all, the agent must be created on Soffid. That agent could be a SQL Server agent, or an Oracle agent. To create an agente you can visit the next page... &&TODO&&

2. Then,Second, you must accesssearch the networktask discovery"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX&&TODO&& pagenombre de la tarea" and click in hethe followingrecord path:


Mainedit Menuthe >task Administration > Resources > Network discoverydetail.

3.  Once you have accessed the networktask discoverydetail, page,you Soffidmust will display allcheck the networks. 


3.1.option. HereAlso, you can clickupdate the schedule depending on theyour pluscompany iconpolicies.


4. Finally you must to display"Apply changes" to save the hostupdates.


Screen theoverview

