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Step 5. Account management


The account management step shows you how to manage the accounts to change the typetype, from unmanagedhow to sharedlocate orthe privileged dependingaccounts on the case.password Tovault manageand thehow accounts,to theassign discoverya process must be completed.password.


1. To access to the accounts of a specific host or database (SQL Server or Oracle), you must click the "Accounts" button. The button is located close to the name of the host or the agent, inside the "Account repositories" of a specific host, on the network discovery tree.

  • Host


  • image-1629971278636.png3. Database agent


2. Once you click the button, Soffid will display the accounts list which belong to the host or agent.

3. Then, you could change the account type for each account, one by one.

3.1. You must click on the account record to edit the detail account info.

3.2.4. Then, you mustwill be able to change the Typeaccount (locatedtype, place the account on the Coommonpassword attributes)vault, toand theassign propera type.


image-1629972360721.pngfor each account, one by one.

a. Step 5.1. Change account type

b. Step 5.2. Publish on Password vault

c. Step 5.3.3. Assign the password

5. And finally, to save the updates byyou clickingmust click on the "Apply changes" button.