Step 4.3. Reconcile (Optional)
To request the accounts you must launch the reconcile process. The main purpose of reconciling process is to provide a mechanism to ensure that all users are aligned on the specific roles and responsibilities.
1. First of all, you need to edit the agent must access the agent page in he following path:
2. Once you have accessed the agent page, Soffid will display all the active agents created on Soffid. You must click on the record of the agent you want to reconcile. Then Soffid will display a new window with the agent data.
3. Then, you must click in the "Massive actions" tabtab.
4. youAt have"Massive accessedactions" thetab, agent page, Soffid will display all the active agents created on Soffid. Youyou must click on the record"Reconcile (load target system objects)" button to launch the reconcile process.
5. Once completion of the agentconciliation you want to reconcile. Thenprocess, Soffid will display a new window withshow the agentresult data.
2. Once you have accessedof the agentprocess page, Soffid will display all the active agents created on Soffid.execution. You mustcould click on the recordalert ofto view the agentprocess youresult.
5.1. toGreen reconcile.alert: Thenthe Soffidprocess willfinished displayok.
5.2. newRed windowalert: the process finished with the agent data.
Once the agent is configured, it could be assigned to the host to continue with the PAM implementation process: Step 4. Add database
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