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How to install Soffid using docker compose?

Steps to install Soffid

To install Soffid Console and Sync Server is mandatory. You can follow this documentation:

Now I am going to explain step by step how to install Soffid.

1. First of all, you must create a folder to save the yaml files you are going to create.

mkdir lab-soffid

2. Go inside the folder

cd lab-soffid

3. I recomend the very first time you install Soffid in an environment, to make three different YAML files, one to the Repository, one to the Console, and one to the Sync Server. Once you have Soffid running properly, you can merge the files and use only one to start and stop Soffid using only one step.

3.1. You need to create one folder for each component, for example using those commands.

mkdir 01repository
mkdir 02console
mkdir 03syncserver

4. Create the Repository

4.1. Go inside the folder 01repository

cd 01repository

4.2. Once you are inside the folder, you must create a docker-compose.yaml file with the Repository service definition 

version: "3.8"
    image: mariadb:11.4
      MYSQL_DATABASE: soffid01
      MYSQL_USER: soffid
      test: "/usr/bin/mariadb --user=root --password=XXXXX --execute \"SHOW DATABASES;\""
      interval: 2s
      timeout: 20s
      retries: 10
    command: --max_allowed_packet=128M --innodb_log_file_size=256M --character-set-server=utf8mb4 --collation-server=utf8mb4_general_ci
      - network
      - mariadb_data:/var/lib/mysql
    name: netcompose
    driver: bridge

    name: compose_mariadbdata

4.3 Execute this command to initilize the Repository container (thanks to the -d option, containers will continue to run in the background, even if you close the terminal)

sudo docker-compose ps

4.4. Check the containers: to check the container you can use a docker or a docker-compose command, depend on what you want to check.

4.4.1. In the folder: you can use a docker-compose command

sudo docker-compose ps

4.4.2. All of them: you can use a docker command

sudo docker ps

4.5. Check the logs: docker logs are detailed records of the activities that occur within containers. They are like a diary that records everything that happens, from starting and stopping the container to error messages, application outputs, and any other interactions.

4.5.1.  You can use a docker-compose command

sudo docker-compose logs <SERVICE_NAME>

4.5.2. Or you can use a docker command

sudo docker logs -f <CONTAINER_NAME/CONTAINER_ID>

4.6. If you need to stop the container:

sudo docker-compose down

5. Create Soffid Console

5.1. Go inside the folder 02console

cd 02console

5.2. Once you are inside the folder, you must create a docker-compose.yaml file with the Console service definition 

version: '3.8'

    image: soffid/iam-console:3.6.19
      DB_URL: jdbc:mariadb://mariadb/soffid01
      DB_USER: root
      DB_PASSWORD: rootpassword
      - network
    #  - "8443:8443"
      - console_trust:/opt/soffid/iam-console-3/trustedcerts
      - console_conf:/opt/soffid/iam-console-3/conf
      - console_index:/opt/soffid/iam-console-3/index 

    name: netcompose
    driver: bridge

    name: compose-console-trustedcerts-laboratorio
    name: compose-console-conf-laboratorio
    name: compose-console-index-laboratorio

5.3 Execute this command to initilize the Console container (thanks to the -d option, containers will continue to run in the background, even if you close the terminal)

sudo docker-compose ps

5.4. Check the containers: to check the container you can use a docker or a docker-compose command, depend on what you want to check.

5.4.1. In the folder: you can use a docker-compose command

sudo docker-compose ps

5.4.2. All of them: you can use a docker command

sudo docker ps

5.5. Check the logs: docker logs are detailed records of the activities that occur within containers. They are like a diary that records everything that happens, from starting and stopping the container to error messages, application outputs, and any other interactions.

5.5.1.  You can use a docker-compose command

sudo docker-compose logs <SERVICE_NAME>

5.5.2. Or you can use a docker command

sudo docker logs -f <CONTAINER_NAME/CONTAINER_ID>

5.6. If you need to stop the container:

sudo docker-compose down

6. Create Soffid Sync Server

6.1. Go inside the folder 03syncserver

cd 03syncserver

6.2. Once you are inside the folder, you must create a docker-compose.yaml file with the Sync Server service definition 

version: "3.8"

    image: soffid/iam-sync:3.6.15
    hostname: sync-server
      SOFFID_PORT: 1760
      SOFFID_HOSTNAME: sync-server.netcompose
      SOFFID_MAIN: yes
      DB_URL: jdbc:mysql://mariadb/soffid01
      DB_USER: soffid
      - network
      - sync_conf:/opt/soffid/iam-sync/conf
      #- "1443:1443"
      - "1760:1760"
    name: netcompose
    driver: bridge

    name: compose_sync_conf

6.3 Execute this command to initilize the Sync Server container (thanks to the -d option, containers will continue to run in the background, even if you close the terminal)

sudo docker-compose ps

6.4. Check the containers: to check the container you can use a docker or a docker-compose command, depend on what you want to check.

6.4.1. In the folder: you can use a docker-compose command

sudo docker-compose ps

6.4.2. All of them: you can use a docker command

sudo docker ps

6.5. Check the logs: you should bear in mind that the Sync Server log could be too big, and is constantly growing. So, I recommend you to use less tool

6.5.1.  You can use a docker-compose command

sudo docker-compose logs <SERVICE_NAME> | less 

6.5.2. Or you can use a docker command

sudo docker logs -f <CONTAINER_NAME/CONTAINER_ID> | less

6.6. If you need to stop the container:

sudo docker-compose down