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⏰ Getting started


To configure the Web SSO you must complete the next steps

1. Attribute definition: add the necessary attributes if they are not in the list.

2. Attribute sharing policies: define the proper attribute sharing policies to determine which attributes will be shared. The policies will apply to those IdPs that meet the conditions defined in the policy. You can define public policies that apply to all IdPs, or specific policies that only apply to certain IdPs.

3. Identity & Service providers: configure the identity and the service provider.

Soffid performs the validation in the following order

1. Login: first of all, it checks the login, if the access is correct then follow the next step

2. Policies: then, it checks the attribute sharing policies. Soffid checks all policies and applies the ones that meet the conditions.

3. Attributes: For policies that result in Yes or True, the attribute conditions will be evaluated. The attributes will be shared when the conditions are true.