Triggers: Script Tips
Triggers: Script Tips
Here we will show you some tips about how to use scripts.
For more information you can visit the official documentation of Soffid
Write into a sync-server log
System.out.println("what you want......");
Recover data from a Soffid object when synchronizing
* source only can be used in outgoing triggers. That object will be Soffid format.
* newObject and oldObject can be used in outgoing and incoming triggers. Those objects will be target system format in outgoing triggers and will be Soffid format in incoming triggers.
Recover data from Soffid object to synchronize
Recover user name
name = source{"userName"};
Recover a custom attribute
Recover company (company could be a user custom attribute defined on metadata page)
comp = source{"attributes"}{"company"};
Recover the attribute value that will be sent
no = newObject{"userName"};
gn = newObject{"givenName"};
Recover the attribute value from the select
That info comes from the target system. In a synchronization process, the first thing that Soffid does, is to query if the account exists on the target system.
no = oldObject{"userName"};
gn = oldObject{"givenName"};
Use Use existing services
Create a new Soffid object
mailDomain = new com.soffid.iam.api.MailDomain();
newUser = new com.soffid.iam.api.User();
newRol = new com.soffid.iam.api.Role();
Loop an object list
for(role : roleList){
out.print(" Role: " + role.roleName + "\n");
Recover response
if (response!=null) {
for (o : response.getObjects()) {
if (o!=null && o{"result"}!=null) {
Send a text email email
serviceLocator.getMailService().sendTextMail("", "Subject", "Mail message");
Send a HTML mail mail
serviceLocator.getMailService().sendHtmlMailToActors(<to>, <subject>, <html-body>);