Triggers: Script Tips
TriggerTriggers: Script Tips
Here we will show you some tips about how to use scripts.
For more information you can visit the official documentation of Soffid
Write into a sync-server log
System.out.println("what you want......");
Recover data from a Soffid object when synchronizing
Recover userNamedata from Soffid object to sinchronize
Recover user name
name = source{"userName"};
Recover a custom attribute
Recover company (company could be a user custom attribute defined on metadata page)
companycomp = source{"attributes"}{"ATTRIBUTENAME"company"};
Recover a account metadata attribute
&&TODO&& Esto puede ser así
offi = source{"accountAttributes"}{"office"};
Recover the attribute value that will be sent
no = newObject{"userName"};
gn = newObject{"givenName"};
Recover the attribute value from the select
That info comes from the target system. In a synchronization process, the first thing that Soffid does, is to query if the account exists on the target system.
no = oldObject{"userName"};
gn = oldObject{"givenName"};
Use existing services
Create a new Soffid object
mailDomain = new com.soffid.iam.api.MailDomain();
newUser = new com.soffid.iam.api.User();
newRol = new com.soffid.iam.api.Role();
Loop an object list
for(role : roleList){
out.print(" Role: " + role.roleName + "\n");
Recover response
if (response!=null) {
for (o : response.getObjects()) {
if (o!=null && o{"result"}!=null) {
Send a text email
serviceLocator.getMailService().sendTextMail("", "Subject", "Mail message");