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Step 3.- How to use Soffid Break glass recovery tool?


If your system is broken, you could use Soffid break glass  tool

1.  First of all, browse to http://localhost:8445/your  Soffid break glass  tool URL


2.  Soffid break glass tool offer you two options

  • Break glass
  • Configure

3.  If you selec the Break glass option:

3.1.  Soffid will display a window with all the avaliable backups:


3.2. You can choose one of them by clicking on the link. Then Soffid will display a new window to retrieve the backup copy:


3.3. Here you will need to enter the required passwords:

3.3.1. H


3.3.2. H

4.  If you select the Configure option, Soffid will display the window that allows you to configure the Break glass recovery tool again.
