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User management


The user management process type is used to define processes to create and to update identities and their attributes.

You can use the default template included on Soffid BPM Editor and custom it with your business needs. Also you can import a .pardef file with the process definition.

To that process workflow are defined 4 default steps.

  • Start
  • Approve
  • Apply changes
  • End


That is the start point of the workflow. At that step, you could define the fields you want to show when the users will go to generate a task and the transitions available.

Task detail

This step type does not have task details.


By default, all the user attributes will be shown, and an additional field called Action. You can choose the fields you want to show when the users will be generating a task, and delete the fields that do not need to generate a task. Also, you can sort the fields, you only need to do drag and drop on the Order column.

The Action field is a droplist that will allow to final users, who will create the tasks, to select one of different options to perform. Depending on the selected option, one fields or another will be shown automatically on the form to fill in. 

The available actions:

  • Add user: action uses to generate a task to create a new user (a new identities). 
  • Enable user: action uses to  create a task to enable a user who is disabled.
  • Modify user: action uses to create a task to modify user attributes.
  • Disable user: action uses to create a task to disble user.

To enable, modify or disable a user, you need to add a field with name userSelector. That field will be available, to final users,  to select an existing user when select one of that optiones. When you select a user, all the existing user attributes will be shown to the final user.

If you select the add user option, the field userSelector will no be available for the final user.

To create or update a user, will be mandatory some fields:

  • userName
  • fistName
  • lastName
  • birthDate ??&&TODO&&
  • userType
  • primaryGroup

For each field you may indicate if it is a readOnly field, and you may add Validation script and Visibility script. The validation script allows you to define rules, the field has to comply with these rules. The visibility script allows you to define the rules to show or hide a field.


On the trigger tab you could define different triggers

  • onLoad
  • on PrepareTransition
  • onChange

For instance, to calculate the email when firstName or lastName change and depending on the userType: 

firstName   = (inputFields.get("firstName")!=null) ? inputFields.get("firstName").value : null;
lastName    = (inputFields.get("lastName")!=null) ? inputFields.get("lastName").value : null;
userType    = (inputFields.get("userType")!=null) ? inputFields.get("userType").value : null;

if (firstName!=null && !firstName.trim().isEmpty() &&
    lastName!=null && !lastName.trim().isEmpty() &&
    userType!=null && !userType.trim().isEmpty()) {
  emailAddress = firstName + "." + lastName;
   if ("E".equals(userType)) {
   		emailAddress = emailAddress + "";
   } else {
     	emailAddress = emailAddress + "";
  inputFields.get("emailAddress").value = emailAddress;

Incoming transitions

This step type is the fist step of the workflow and it does not have incoming transtions.

Outgoing transitions

On the Outgoing transitions you could define what will be the next steps. For each Outgoing transition you could add a script Actions



Apply changes



That is the last point of the workflow. When the workflow get that point, the workflow will be finished.

At this step you can configure the incoming transition by adding script Action. That step does not have task detail or outgoing transitions.