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Apply changes


This step is used to apply the identity changes to the Soffid repository.&&TODO&&

Stept Tabs

Task details


  • ApplyGrant usersaccount changes:access: check it (selected option Yes) to make changes to users on the Soffid repository.
  • Apply entitlements: check it (selected option Yes) to  macke changes to permissions on the Soffid repository.&&TODO&&
Incoming transitions

The Incoming transitions tabs show the previous steps where the flow comes from. When you create a process from a template or from scratch default incoming transitions are defined. It is allowed to customize the default set up, add new transitions or delete transitions.

  • From: the previous step, where the flow come. Allows you to select where the workflow comes from.
  • Incoming transition: brief name to identify the transition. That is the name of the action the form will show to the final user.
  • To: current step.
  • Action: allows creating a custom script to perform specific actions.
When you create an incoming transition, Soffid creates the proper outcoming transition.
requester = executionContext.getVariable("requester");
userR = serviceLocator.getUserService().findUserByUserName(requester);
if (userR.primaryGroup.equals("admingroup")) {

&&TODO If } else { //TODO Else }


Outgoin transitions

The Outcoming transition tab shows the next steps where the flow can go from the current step. When you create a process from a template or from scratch default outcoming transitions are defined. It is allowed to customize the default set up, add new transitions or delete transitions.

  • From: current step.
  • Incoming transition: name of the transition.
  • To: the next step, where the flow go.
  • Action: allows creating a custom script to perform specific actions.

When you create an outcoming transition, Soffid creates the proper incoming transition.

userName = executionContext.getVariable("userName");
user = serviceLocator.getUserService().findUserByUserName(userName);
country = user.getAttributes().get("country");
groups = serviceLocator.getGroupService().findUsersGroupByUserName(userName);

if (country.equals("ES")) {

